ITT – Event Equipment and Services – Review and Polish

This well-established company were used to submitting tenders but were concerned that they were not getting the highest scores they could achieve, given their experience and capability. They understood that ‘good enough’ still poses a risk of missing out, especially when new competitors are on the scene.

We talked through the many options available to them, from evaluation and guidance right through to intensive coaching and ultimately settled on a simple, two-stage ‘Review and Polish’ for a current bid.

Given their experience in writing bids and their extensive knowledge of the technical equipment they use in their work, this was a sensible way forward. They completed a first draft of the bid which I then reviewed, giving further guidance and noting any vital areas for improvement. Their second draft then only needed a few minor edits and minimal re-structuring to develop a better ‘flow’.

This was an extremely time- and cost-effective way for the client to leverage their vast in-house knowledge against the experience of a bid professional to produce a high quality tender submission that fully showcased their expertise.